Sunday, January 26, 2020

Is It Possible to Control the Ebola Epidemic?

Is It Possible to Control the Ebola Epidemic? A terrible tragedy struck the western part of the African continent and our desire and believe is to put an end to this nightmare. Since the discovery of Ebolavirus in 1976 in Zaire, now DRC Democratic Republic of Congo, this virus is endemic in this country and has caused a trail of destruction. For years, it has afflicted our brothers mercilessly slaughtering entire families overnight, leaving a crowd of orphans along the way. Today West Africa, Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Nigeria, also live an epidemic of Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever (EHF), the 7th in the history of the Democratic Republic of Congo, with the potential to spread to neighboring countries. WHO World Health Organization has worked with professionals from various countries to gather experiences in epidemics, concentrating efforts that can contribute in a practical way to control cases of Ebola, which are already more than 1.400 deaths this year so far, with mortality rates of 60-90%. Summary of the clinical picture of Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever (EHF): The EHF is an infectious disease caused by Ebola virus, an RNA và ­rus with filamentous appearance under electronic microscopy, diameter of 80nm, incubation period that various between 1-3 weeks. The initial symptoms are very similar to a simple flu, with asthenia, anorexia, headache and myalgia, insidiously progressing to vomiting, diarrhea, bleeding, dehydration, shock and death. The severity and duration of disease progression depends directly on viral load Ebolavirus, nutritional status and consequently, the immune status of each patient. In 50% of cases occur a maculopapular rash more pronounced on trunk and abdà ´men, and by the end of the 1st week blood dyscrasias symptoms are observed, such as nausea and uncontrollable vomiting, difficult to control epistaxis, hematemesis, melena, hemoptysis, bleeding conjunctival, skin, mucous membranes, gums, ulcerations of lips. From this point occur rapid progression to disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) with cardio-circulatory collapse, dysfunction and multiple organ failure and death occurs. There is no specific medication for treatment of Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever (EHF), only supportive measures to control hypovolemia, fluid and electrolyte replacement, blood, plasma or platelet concentrate transfusion, vasoactive drugs. The most frequent and common is the clinical and epidemiological diagnosis, The safest laboratory diagnosis is the identification of Ebolavirus by viral isolation in culture to identify the serotype, or by polymerase chain reaction with reverse transcription (RT-PCR) for sequencing of viral RNA. Contagion occurs primarily by direct contact with fluids, secretions of the patient as urine, blood, semen, sweat, saliva, or fomites and personal belongins contaminated with Ebolavirus. IS THERE A CORRELATION BETWEEN Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever (EHF) and deaths from Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever? Undoubtedly, and we’ll explain some points needed to understand well this interrelationship. The work developed focusing on dengue fever, dengue hemorrhagic fever and epidemics, was the theme in 2006, of masters thesis Homeopathy in Public Health: Contribution to the Study of Epidemics, in Post-graduation in Health Sciences of the Medical School of Sà £o Josà © do Rio Preto, Sà £o Paulo SP, Brazil. In 2002 the World Health Organization WHO launches the document Strategy of the WHO about Traditional Medicine, which in Brazil resulted in the administrative rule MS/GM No. 971 of June 3, 2006, known as NPICP National Policy on Integrative and Complementary Practices, which regulates prescription and use of homeopathy in epidemics. From the guidelines of the Ministry of Health, received by us as an incentive and authorization to follow through with these actions, we expanded the fieldwork, once it had been initiated in the city of Sà £o Josà © do Rio Preto, since 2001, a project to control dengue at the population level with homeopathic medicine1. Due to the excellent results obtained in February and March / 2007 in Sà £o Josà © do Rio Preto2, Sà £o Paulo and Macaà ©3, Rio de Janeiro, with the homeopathic medicine we extended the use to thousands of individuals in various cities in different states of Brazil, such as Sà £o Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Espà ­rito Santo and Goià ¡s, and in Cuba, in Ciego de Avila, Camaguey and Havana. The results of the clinical and epidemiological studies, were ratified by the medicines approval by ANVISA (the brazilian regulatory body of drugs administration) in December 2008, officially released in the category dengue treatment under the fancy name PRODEN, recorded by a national laboratory, and one of the five finalists of the 1st Sanofi-Aventis Prize, Medical Services Innovation New Directions in Public Health, in June 2009. For this to happen, the product has undergone rigorous testing in rats, rabbits and mice, in the Drug Research Laboratory of the Federal University of Amapà ¡, whose experiments have shown average increase of 200.000 platelets/ml to 600.000 platelets/ml in male rats4. The daily clinical practice has shown rapid improvement of the general condition of patients with dengue, confirmed by the prompt rise in platelet count. BUILDING A PROTOCOL FOR CONTROL OF THE EBOLA HEMORRHAGIC FEVER (EHF) The Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever has several points in common with the Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever, as found in the 7th edition (2006) of Bogliolo’s5 text: in hemorrhagic fevers from Ebola and Marburg viruses, autopsy shows disseminated skin, mucosa and visceral bleeding, with extensive areas of renal and hepatic necrosis. Throughout the pathophysiology of both diseases, coagulation disorders have important, decisive for the rapid evolution to cardio-circulatory collapse, multiple organ failure, shock and death. Important to note that recent studies using electronic microscopy have shown that liver inflammation is the rule and not the exception, in cases of dengue, covering all four sorotypes6. THE FOUNDATIONS OF HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE APPROVED  BY ANVISA FOR DENGUE’S TREATMENT The protocol and technical report of the Health Board of Sà £o Josà © do Rio Preto were implanted in all BHU (Basic Health Units) in the city in February 2007.2 Thousands of doses of the medicine were dispensed with great adherence of the population. In 20072, despite the magnitude of this epidemic, only one patient died, she was a health professional, due to suspected acetaminophen intoxication. The homeopathic complex is a combination of three homeopathic remedies, Phosphorus, Crotalus horridus and Eupatorium perfoliatum, these first two are because of the hemorrhagic events, the last one is limited to dengue itself, to constitute the epidemic genius peculiar to cases of classic dengue fever, without complications. The Eupatorium had its pathogenetic trials conducted in 1846 by the American Academy of Homeopathy, from a plant in the eastern United States of North America, which was used by native Indians to treat break-bone-fever . Hahnemann was the one to accomplish in 1823, the pathogenetic experimentation of Phosphorus, in Germany (Dresden and Leipzig). He is the prototype of the treatment of hepatitis, confirmed in studies with experimental animals subjected to poisoning by carbon tetrachloride in laboratà ³rio7. And finally Crotalus horridus, made from a north-american rattlesnake’s venom in 1837, made by Constantine Hering, is the primary reference and one of the most effective remedies for profuse, generalized and rapidly developed hemorrhages. FINALLY FINDING THE MEDICINE FOR THE CONTROL OF  THE EBOLA HEMORRHAGIC FEVER Given to the extensive knowledge already accumulated and analyzing the features found in the EHF epidemic, it is evident that these same remedies, Phosphorus and Crotalus horridus, already tested and used in cases of hepatic dysfunction and bleeding in dengue, should be added to the remedie that represents the epidemic genius of Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever (EHF), a brazilian plant named Ipecacuanha. Thus, the Anti-Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever Homeopathic Complex, is the result of the combination of three remedies: Phoshorus, Crotalus horridus and Ipecacuanha. The Ipecacuanha is in the 1st list of 24 polychrests remedies established by Hahnemann and part of the group of the 60 major remedies used in Homeopathy8. According to the Treaty of Homeopathic Materia Medica9, the remedie is of maximum indication for acute disorders with nausea, copious bleeding of bright red blood from any orifice of the body, tightness in chest, cold sweats, facial pallor and little tendency to clot the bleeding. Prof. Michel Guermonprez10 highlights the relationship of this plant’s alkaloids with reflex nausea and drooling that always accompanies its symptomatic procession, bloody diarrhea (intestinal bleeding), cough and bronchial hypersecretion with blood (hemoptysis), severe headache and rapid evolution to weakness, with marked and rapid loss of vital forces, dehydration and shock. In the secular homeopathy practice, we find the option of using remedies in combination, and to ensure its effectiveness, we must follow the classical criteria, respecting the agreement of the general condition of the pathophysiological actions triggered by the isolated remedies and verified in animal or human experiments, in order to prevent antagonism and neutralization of the active ingredients of these remedies together, and thus ensure that the potentiation of its effects appear, as understanding of renowned authors such as Licà ­nio Cardoso, Helena Minin and Anna Kossak-Romanach, among others11. The key to find the correct medicine is to get as close as possible to the simillimum of the epidemic, in other words, what is the closest to the profile or individuation of the symptom picture of the epidemic, in its most frequent form and repeated manifestation, present in the greatest number of sick people at that period of time. We call this coincidence Similarity or Similitude Law, and that is the backbone of Homeopathy. The choice of potency or dynamisation comes after the determination of the most suitable medicine to control the epidemic and in this specific case of the EHF by gravity, magnitude and severity of the symptoms, is to be used in 15DH, as employed in the experimental work with animals and approved by ANVISA as explained above. INDICATION AND DOSAGE OF ANTI-EHF HOMEOPATHIC COMPLEX It should be clear that homeopathy is a complementary medicine to all actions already developed and used drugs, including antibiotics for bacterial complications, to stabilize the clinical condition of patients victimized by Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever (EHF). The indicated homeopathic remedies are prepared in combination, also known as Homeopathic Complex in a 30% alcohol solution, and 20ml bottles: PHOSPHORUS 15 DH + CROTALUS HORRIDUS 15 DH + IPECACUANHA 15 DH 1) doses for treatment of previously diagnosed and more severe cases: Administer 5 drops orally every 20 minutes until clinical stabilization of the patient, accompanying hemodynamic and laboratory parameters such as hematocrit, leukocytes and platelets, etc; 2) In the most stable cases: Keep 5 drops every 2 hours until clinical improvement, according to criteria such as general health, hydration, blood pressure, urinary flow, absence of bleeding and laboratory controls, such as leukocyte count and platelet count, hematocrit, etc; 3) Employment as a prophylactic: 5 drops administered orally twice daily (morning and evening), during the period of epidemic risk. Target audience: all susceptible population located in areas of occurrence of EHF. Renan Marino is Professor of FAMERP – Medicine School of Sà £o Josà © do Rio Preto, Master in Health Sciences and President of IHFL Homeopathic Institute Franà §ois Lamasson Ribeirà £o Preto, Sà £o Paulo, Brazil. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1) MARINO R, Jamal EM, Esteves Neto SH, Constantine A, Braguini VR. Emprego Profilà ¡tico da Homeopatia em uma Epidemia de Dengue. Pesquisa Homeopatica/ Homeopatia Esplorado 2003, 18 (2): 2-6. Work also presented at the 59  ° Panamerican Congress of Homeopathy Havana / Cuba, in 2003, from the experience at Cristo Rei neighborhood in Sà £o Josà © do Rio Preto; 2) MARINO R. Homeopathy and Health: The Case of Dengue Epidemics. Int J High Dilution Res [online]. 2008; 7 (25): 179-185. Available from:; 3) NUNES LAS. Contribution of homeopathy to the control of an outbreak of dengue in Macaà ©, Rio de Janeiro. Int J High Dilution Res [online]. 2008; 7 (25): 186-192. Available from:; 4) VIRIATO, E., OLIVEIRA, B., CARVALHO, J. C. Avaliaà §Ãƒ £o da toxicidade sub-crà ´nica do Medicamento Proden ®. Brazilian Homeopathic Journal v. 11, n. 1, p. 23 24, 2009; 5) BOGLIOLO, Luigi; BRASILEIRO FILHO, Geraldo. Patologia. 6 ed. Rio de Janeiro: Ed. Guanabara Koogan, 2000; 6) MIGOWSKI, E. Uso de Antità ©rmicos em Doenà §as Infecciosas Virais. Abbott booklet of Brazil, 2002; 7) Encyclopà ©die Mà ©dico-Chirurgicale: Vol II Homeopathie Ed Tecniques, Paris, 1960-1968,. 8) KOSSAK-ROMANACH, A. A Homeopatia em 1000 Conceitos. Sà £o Paulo. Ed. Elcid; 1984; 9) VIJINOVSKY, B. Tratado de Materia Medica Homeopatica, volum II, Buenos Aires.Ed. Albatros, 1981; 10) GUERMONPREZ, M. et al. Materia Medicale Homeopathique, 2nd ed, Doin Editeurs, 1985, France.; 11) POZETTI, G L. Complexos e Complexismos. Ribeirà £o Preto / SP: IHFL, 1993;

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Boo Radley and Scout

Name: Alliah Turner Date: 12-16-12 Period: 3 The Relationship Between Arthur (Boo) Radley and Jean Louise (Scout) Finch In To Kill a Mockingbird, written by Harper Lee, Scout is an educated six year old child who is very mature for her age. Despite her capability to understand things that most six year can not, she is a bit curious. That curiosity can be viewed as rude and or childish. She is curious about Boo Radley, as to why he never comes out of his house. Scout and her brother, Jem, try to come up with ways to getBoo to come out of his house. This type of behavior can be as rude to others but to them they believe that they are doing a kindness by bringing him outside and enjoying the beauty of the world. Throughout the book their relationship progresses and the children learn that you do not know a person until you see them for the first time. Arthur (Boo) Radley was locked in his house for 15 years and has never been seen by outsiders. Rumors say that he wander the streets of M aycomb in the middle of the night and eats squirrels and possums.One time Boo Radley was cutting newspapers and when his father walk by he stabbed him in the legs, and resumed in cutting his newspaper like nothing happened. The Radley place is viewed like a haunted house in the story, but it is all not true, Atticus teaches his children to not judge anyone unless you â€Å"walk into their shoes†. (Lee 279) The children believe all of the rumors they have heard about Boo Radley. They even start to make some of their own inferences about him based on what they have heard. These feelings about BooRadley start to change when the children begin to find presents in a knothole out side of the Radley place. They figured that they were from Boo Radley. It was a way for him to show them that he wants to be their friend. The children do not realize this until later and then want to thank him by inviting him out for ice cream. They were caught by Atticus and he told him to stop pestering Mr. Radley. On Halloween night, as Jem and Scout were walking home from the school play, they felt as if they were being followed.Scout thought that it might be Cecil Jacobs since he tried to scare her earlier. As it turns out, it was Bob Ewell. Still angered by Atticus's attempts at making him look like a fool, he tried to murder Scout and Jem. Jem has fallen unconsciencely and has broken his arm, leaving Scout to defend for herself. When scout thought that she was going to die, something mysterious had happened. She had realized that she had a savior, but she was not sure on who it was. The next thing she saw was a man carrying Jem home and Bob Ewell dead with a knife in his ribs.When she returned home, Jem was in the bed resting when Atticus told scout that there is someone that she needs to meet. It was Boo Radley, the man she feared the most had saved her life. At that moment Scout is no longer afraid, and treats Boo as an equal. She knows he saved her life and Jem's life, and looks upon him with respect. The power of this moment brings Scout to tears, but, as always, she handles herself with maturity beyond her age. When Atticus found out that Bob Ewell was dead he said â€Å"There's a black boy dead or no reason, and the man responsible for it's dead. Let the dead bury the dead this time†¦. †. (Lee 278) In a sense, one could look at Arthur â€Å"Boo† Radley as the symbol of this novel, the mockingbird. He never really harmed anyone, he just stays inside leaving the people of Maycomb at peace. Scout says that Mr. Arthur is like a mockingbird because telling everyone that he is the mockingbird is like killing him from the inside. It would give him publicity and a person like boo, that is shy, would feel scared from all of it. So it would be like killing a mockingbird.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Why Everybody Is Talking About Ubc Personal Profile Essay Samples...The Simple Truth Revealed

Why Everybody Is Talking About Ubc Personal Profile Essay Samples...The Simple Truth Revealed Other tips that you can brainstorm on include your career objectives, your role models and personal hardship that you've been in a position to overcome. Moreover, this project taught me how to create efficient plans. As the program is comparatively new, the available literature concerning the application procedure and the program itself is limited. They'll be sold in 4 unique stages. My aim is that I may help to provide an inside look into the program so that potential applicants can receive a better feeling of whether the program is best for them, and to provide helpful information concerning the complicated application procedure and the dreaded portfolio. If you choose the BMS program as your second selection, your application won't be assessed. Applicants are encouraged to use the supplemental application as a means to express their existing interests and involvement in every area of media studies. All applicants need to submit a supplemental application so as to be considered for the BMS program. UBC careers on the internet is a service the school offers that will help you locate a job after graduating. Instead, reflect on what you've learned from every experience. Consider your accomplishments, your activities and what you've learned from these types of experiences. Including a few abilities and experiences would be useful. Think about a few adjectives which best describe you in regard to teaching. Don't just supply a list of accomplishments without taking the opportunity to reflect on what you've learned from them, and what you would like to carry on learning at UBC. Think about a couple of adjectives which best describe you. Instead, use alternative words and expound a bit more on your abilities and experiences. Applicants are encouraged to remember that as a result of high volume of applications and portfolios, they need to be mindful of submitting a sensible number of samples. The supplemental application contains 3 sections. Adobe Creative Suite is a costly package, but well worth the cost. If you are searching for Ubc Personal Profile Examples you've come to the proper spot. There's a beta version for mac that is now available free of charge. In the practice of growing up, for instance, you might have found in some specific circumstances that things weren't exactly as you anticipated. Since the portion of the brain accountable for working memory also will help enhance focus and concentration levels, an excellent working memory assists an individual in memorizing everything he or she should remember. The whole job at hand may result in some type of uncertainty, so this may signify a resume maker should are involved. A good mix of the abilities and goals which you have without the overuse of Ican help to produce your private profile wind up being a good one. Facts, Fiction and Ubc Personal Profile Essay Samples Note you should be able to show everything which you include in your private profile l ike your skills to the reader. It's been observed that individuals spend the majority of their waking hours thinking about something which does not have any connection with what they're doing, making them unhappy. If you would like to possess the very same topic just be sure you're not just reiterating what you said in preceding questions, but actually applying that experience specifically to what's being asked. These days, almost everyone is on social networking. In the event you be have a tough time condensing your abilities and experiences in 46 lines, write your private profile last. You are going to be able to pick out your strengths a great deal better in case you write your private profile last. Understanding how to compose a personal profile for university involves early preparations and many questions here and there will be able to help you shape your private profile answers. It isn't that easy to receive a paper and a pen or your computer and begin drafting a thriv ing personal profile for university. Now, if you prefer to wind up with a terrific personal profile, we've got you covered! If you would like to understand how to compose a terrific personal profile, you ought to use personal profile examples as your writing guides. A personal profile is essentially an overview of the abilities and experiences you have. Basically, it should pick the experience aspects that are relevant to the target role that relates to the application. The 5-Minute Rule for Ubc Personal Profile Essay Samples Lastly, don't forget that self-reflection is challenging and will take some time. Depending on what type of job you may be looking for, you'll have varying needs. If it's your very first job, and never very formal, you can want one particular thing fairly easy. You needn't spend your entire time making an endeavor to learn the way you can work the program. Example III I'm a hard-working and dynamic expert waitress seeking the part of a customer service or catering which will expand my expertise and abilities. With this new `user infrastructure', employers won't be putting their deskbound workforce in danger, and the employee can be confident they won't be making themselves unemployable later on. College careers have turned into part of our society today. Even if it could be your very first job say you're nonetheless in highschool and on the lookout for something part time to help put gasoline in your car.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Movement and Stasis in the Divine Comedy Essay - 2889 Words

Movement and Stasis : The use of dynamics in the Divine Comedy Movement is a crucial theme of the Divine Comedy. From the outset, we are confronted with the physicality of the lost Dante, wandering in the perilous dark wood. His movement within the strange place is confused and faltering; `Io non so ben ridir comio ventrai. Moreover, it is clear that the physical distress he is experiencing is the visible manifestation of the mental anguish the poet is suffering. The allegory of the image is one of mid-life crisis, but it is physically represented by the man losing his way in a dark wood. Such an observation may seem far too simple and obvious to be worthy of comment. However, I would argue that it is from this primary example†¦show more content†¦The first passage is probably the most famous in the whole work, that of Francesca da Rimini, in Canto V of the Inferno . Condemned for her inconstancy, that is to say her lust, Francesca is contained in the eternal whirlwind of the `bufera infernale, alongside her lover, Paolo. In a c lear parallel to her sin, she is buffeted by the inconstant wind. Although unceasing, the wind changes direction and force, a movement which is mirrored by the language used to describe it: Di qua, di l#224;, di gi#249;, di su li mena; nulla speranza li conforta mai, non che di posa, ma minor pena. (43-45, Canto V, Inf.) In addition to the basic rhyme of the terza rima, the internal rhyme is carefully manipulated to imitate phonologically the swirling of the wind. By balancing the repeated [a] of `di qua, di la with the [u:] of the `di gi#249;, di su, Dante is able to mimic the up and down movement of the air. Francesca, then, is an extremely `mobile sinner. Although pausing to speak to Dante (the significance of which will be later discussed), she is compelled to move - indeed, it is an integral part of her punishment. This compulsion is significant. Through rejecting a life of constancy on earth, whether willingly or otherwise, Francesca has sacrificed the free will she was allowed to exert on her body. Having lost control of herself in life she is plunged into the chaos of the `bufera. Her punishment then, is not merely anShow MoreRelated Aesthetics Of Aging Essay3909 Words   |  16 Pageschapter in an unpublished manuscript devoted to photography, aging, and subject construction, entitled Touching Surfaces: Photography and the Fabric of the Subject, in Time 1 This Dante fragment coming from Charles Singleton’s prose version of the Comedy seems to me evocative of the  « misty  » visual effect in Tenneson’s photographs, and also of her placing the lens of the camera much like a mole through the skin, to look at the human body from an interstice, as it were, between the inside and theRead MoreANALIZ TEXT INTERPRETATION AND ANALYSIS28843 Words   |  116 Pagesthe representation of characters in action, though as we will see the action involved can be internal and psychological as well as external and physical. In order for a plot to begin, some kind of catalyst is necessary. An existing equilibrium or stasis must be broken that will generate a sequence of events, provide direction to the plot, and focus the attention of the reader. Most plots originate in some significant conflict. The conflict may be either external, when the protagonist (also referred